Sophie Scott

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Want To Overcome Imposter Syndrome?

In this post, I have compiled some of the best advice from my research into psychology and overcoming imposter syndrome.

It has really helped me when I felt my confidence drop.

Be a beginner - even if you are accomplished.

Having a beginner’s mindset helps you to act with curiosity, not judgement.

If you walk into a room and feel like an imposter, be curious.

Step back and ask what can I learn from this feeling? 

What is it trying to teach me?

And am I willing to listen?

Most people are not thinking about you

You might worry about what people think about you or feel people are judging you. 

But those people are usually in their own heads thinking about themselves and not you. 

It’s called the Spotlight effect. (Gilovich et al, 2000, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology)

How you feel about yourself is much more important.

Celebrate your wins

Your brain naturally focuses on the negative aspects of the world around you, to keep you safe. 

But you can override this negativity bias by focusing on what’s going well. 

Keep a list on your phone or computer of your wins or positive feedback you have received as a reminder for when you need it.

Feeling like an imposter means you value what you’re doing

If you feel like an imposter, it means being successful in your field really matters to you. 

In other words, you are in the right place. 

Step back from feelings of shame and not being good enough.

Instead, show yourself compassion.

You are worthy and can achieve what you want.


When it comes to imposter syndrome, you are not the only one struggling. 

According to the Harvard Business Review, one third of young people suffer from imposter syndrome and 70 percent of the rest of us will experience it at some point in our lives. 

If it’s of value, you can find out more about my science-backed workshops on leadership, communication and burnout here.

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What strategies helped you manage imposter syndrome?

Take care, Soph x